When the lovely folks from The East Room asked if we’d like to serve our tea in their ‘Green Room’ at The Big Chill festival earlier this month, we’d packed up the ATTIC-mobile, popped on our wellies and went driving up to Herefordshire before you could say “Basement Jaxx”…
Once we’d worked our way through the fields and past some bizzarely placed Chesterfield sofas we arrived in the VIP area to find our “tea tent”, which was a beautiful Mongolian Yurt, lavishly decorated with cushions, rugs, beanbags, beds and sofas which created an atmosphere that more than lived up to the festival’s namesake.
We took our ‘One Leaf, Many Lives’ range of teas to serve, consisting of our pick of the finest teas representing each category of White, Scented, Green, Oolong, Pu-erh and Black teas, allowing visitors to sample the full spectrum of flavours. Promoting the teas by their ‘sensations’, we were able to generate a lot of excitement about our teas. The way that tea makes you feel has always been an important factor to us, so it was great to see other people starting to view tea in this way!
~Our 'One Leaf, Many Lives' menu~
Our Tea-makers also came into their own in the festival environment, providing delicious drinks easily and endlessly with no mess and very little waste – no teabags, and the leftover leaves create the perfect compost for plants!
We had a fantastic time at the festival, and was a wonderful opportunity for us to spread the tea-love with some great creative minds, who discovered how tea could accompany them in their moments of contemplation, fuel conversations and feed moments of genius.
We’ll be listening out for some tea-themed new-releases in the coming months!