Saturday 25 July 2009

ATTIC Manifesto

At ATTIC, we've been having a good hard think about the things that matter to us; what we love, what we believe. 

After staring blankly at a Word document for an hour trying to create an official manifesto, we decided that several cups of tea (Dragonwell, Silver Needle and Tippy Yunnan to be exact...) and a good chat were in order to work out what was really making us tick. After discovering our individual missions to chase crop-circles, learn about Mayan history and accumulate the entire Bruce Springsteen back-catalogue (we did digress occasionally...) we managed to agree on several beliefs, loves and philosophies that united us in Tea!

The result of which is our ATTIC manifesto, where tea infuses with our daily lives and passions, to create our unique little worlds.

We hope you enjoy sharing our thoughts, and maybe even find something in common!

(Ps* If anyone knows where to find some bargain Bruce Springsteen Vinyl.....) 

1 comment:

  1. I believe we all do need to fight for the right to (tea) party. And that tea is my way of life, my philosophy, and my aesthetic quest. --Jason
