Monday 4 January 2010

Happy New Year!

‘We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.’

~ Aristotle

We hope you all had a lovely time during the festive period, and are entering the new decade feeling refreshed, rested and optimistic.

New Year often becomes a time of reflection, thinking about the year just gone and how we lead on from it. This year it seems more significant, as we are not only marking the start of a new year, but also a new decade - no doubt a lot of changes have occurred in our lives since celebrating the new millennium!

New Year has also become synonymous with a ‘new start’, which in turn manifests itself as “new years’ resolutions”. However, after an initial surge of enthusiasm, most of us have fallen by the wayside by the end of January, feeling disheartened and demotivated.

This is usually because we just try to do to much at once, fueled by the excitement of a ‘fresh start’, which often gets misinterpreted as ‘changing everything NOW’.

But what has this got to do with tea? I hear you cry! (or maybe just my boss....) Well, we like to think that ATTIC provides a product that people will enjoy, and our main focus is to encourage people to enjoy tea as part of their everyday lives, hopefully bringing a little bit of joy in the process (aah). We want you to see your cup of tea as a companion through life’s journey, providing comfort, refreshment and an excuse to get up from your desk!

Throughout January, we will be writing a short series of blog posts about how tea can play a positive part in your life for 2010, starting next week with how it can help flush out some of the Christmas pudding and champagne that’s still lingering in our systems as “detox” and healthy living tend to be popular promises people make to themselves in the New Year.

Which brings us back to resolutions. I personally have stopped making them, but instead think of a handful of habits or skills I’d like to develop over the year, and continue any success’ from the previous year, as it’s important to acknowledge and focus on our achievements.

So, with that in mind, we’ve put together a small list of websites that we hope will provide you with some inspiration and information to help make 2010 a great year!

Some tips for change

Zen habits

Making resolutions a reality (the uncluttered way)

Think differently

Do yoga!

Learn to say "hello" to anyone in the world

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